Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Master Bedroom and Closet

It's funny how one tip on cleaning or organizing can set you off to clean the entire day in one room.

My Master Bedroom is Always the messiest room in the house.
For many reasons;
1. I hate folding and putting up laundry.
2. I have so much stuff in there.
3. It's not a room that company sees, so it gets dropped to the end of the cleaning list most of the time.

So while browsing the Internet for some good organizing tips, I stumbled upon THIS PAGE. Why #17 had never occurred to me, is amazing, but it hadn't. So when I read it, I had to immediately go and start cleaning in my closet, which spread out into my bedroom.

So I went to bed with a very clean room last night, and I slept better! And my hubby was really happy this morning when he didn't have to dig through clothes baskets to get dressed! =D

One thing I REALLY want for this room, is a new comforter set. I just haven't found the one I LOVE yet.


Vicki said...

Awesum page. As for #17 about 2 weeks ago I started putting those nylon fold up hampers in the kids room and their bathroom. They only cost $1 at the dollar tree, and they are very handy. Slugger still puts his socks under the bed, but at least I can gather everything up and put it in one place, without making 2 trips to the washer.
Take my advise, put these in the kids room and Bath, now, teach them while there young. Learn from my mistakes. lol